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Pennsylvania Railroad
Technical and Historical Society

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>>> Winter 2024 The Keystone Is Available <<<

HomeMembership Types

PRRTHS Membership Types

Thinking of Joining?

For a limited time, first time members will receive a bonus pack of three PRRT&HS Books:

> Altoona and the Pennsylvania Railroad, Between a Roar and a Whimper (1999)

> Lewistown and the Pennsylvania Railroad, From Moccasins to Steel Wheels  (2000)

> The Pennsy's P5 Electrics

A $30 Value!

We have two Levels of Membership benefits:

Regular Membership - $40 Annually

As a regular member you will receive:

> Four Issues of our Keystone Magazine

> Member discounts on books and back issues of the Keystone in our store

> Registration at our annual meeting at the member rate

> Access to members-only content on our web site (to be added throughout 2021)

> Access to our member directory so you can find nearby members and members with similar interests

> All member accounts include a family membership - When you add family members to your account, you can add their e-mail so that they get e-mail notices, plus it will be easier to include them in your annual meeting registration so they can have their own annual meeting badge. Only one copy of each issue of the Keystone will be sent to each family.

We have a large number of senior members on fixed incomes, but we are able to avoid dues increases as long as possible because we have members who provide an additional contribution to help us fully cover our costs:

> Sustaining Member Contribution - $10 per year

> Contributing Member Contribution - $30 per year


Keystone Membership - $100 Annually

In addition to the benefit of a Regular member, Keystone members also receive:

> A 25% reduction in the price of available microfilm drawings (up to a maximum amount of $50)

> 50% off the price of one vendor table at the Annual Meeting

Memberships in our society are based on calendar year. When you first join, we will send you the current year's Keystones that have already been mailed to our members.

Additional Charges

Fortunately the cost to mail our Keystones within the US during the quarterly bulk mailing cycle is reasonable.

Unfortunately that is not true for international destinations, and the additional postage costs are significant. Therefore we collect an additional international mailing fee:

> Canada and Mexico - $19 per year

> Overseas postage - $44 per year


Pennsylvania Railroad Technical and Historical Society
A 501(c)(3) Pennsylvania Non-Profit Corporation
Copyright 2023 PRRT&HS, All Rights reserved