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Home2023 Annual Meeting - Models

Model Room

Metro Room


Bring your models to display in the Model Room. They may be of anything Pennsy - locomotives, cars, structures, MOW - be imaginitive. You can bring them to display, all models in the Model Room are automatically entered to win two awards: Best In Show and the Bob Yagoditch Award. The winner of the former is determined by popular vote of all attending and could win based on its construction and painting, choice of subject, or just a feeling that it projects - most anything that someone viewing it may see or feel. The latter award is given to the model or models that best represent the spirit of the Pennsylvania Railroad in the eyes of the Modeling Committee. Both awards are presented following the banquet on Saturday night.

All you need to display or enter your model is to bring your model and fill out the display/entry form (which you can download below) and sign a log book - the last is for insurance purposes. There is no cost to either display or enter the contest. There will be staff in the room at all times it is open and it is locked when it is closed, so your precious models (we know a lot of work went into them!) will be protected.

We ask that you plan on setting up from 4:00 pm to 9:00 pm on Thursday. The room will be open to annual meeting attendees and their guests all day and evening on Friday and Saturday morning. You should plan on removing them on Saturday afternoon, as they need to have been removed prior to the Meet the Modeler forum scheduled from 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm in the same room.

Be adventurous. Show off your work and learn from others who really know how to research and build these miniature representatives of the real working railroad.


One of the highest compliments that enthusiasts of the Pennsylvania Railroad can give is to try to recreate it in miniature. It's not just the exquisite work that produces these models, but also the thought and research that goes into picking a suitable subject that really represents the spirit of the railroad and then learning all one can about it so that they can apply the detail to look like the real thing, so that you know exactly what is being represented.

The models are on display not just for the fellow modelers, but also for the enjoyment and appreciation of the other attendees of the event who can really appreciate what they see. So, come on down to the Modeling Room... and stay awhile to take it all in.

And don't forget the Meet the Modeler forum on Saturday afternoon, from 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm, where you can hear from the modeler how they did something or how and where they found the information they used to build it.

Prior Years' Models

Here are some examples of models from prior years:

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Pennsylvania Railroad Technical and Historical Society
A 501(c)(3) Pennsylvania Non-Profit Corporation
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