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Pennsylvania Railroad
Technical and Historical Society

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Home2023 Annual Meeting - Schedule

2023 Annual Meeting Schedule

Below you will find a day-by-day set of activity schedules for the 2023 Annual Meeting. These are larger than the schedules that are available on the Annual Meeting Main page and are more suitable for viewing on a mobile device.

To view them, click or tap on the bar for the day you want to view. On a mobile device, you may find it easier and better to hold your device in landscape mode (long dimension is horizontal). Zoom your screen until the text is big enough to read. You will find a time column on both sides of the form, so that no matter which room you're viewing, you can see the activity's time.

Each swim lane in a day's schedule represents one of our rooms and is color-coded to the coloring of the rooms on the Hotel Floor Plan, so that you can easily determine the location of the room for your desired activity.

Schedules are subject to change, so check back on a regular basis.

Accordion Widget
Accordion Widget
THURSDAY, MAY 18, 2023
THURSDAY, MAY 18, 2023
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FRIDAY, MAY 19, 2023
FRIDAY, MAY 19, 2023
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SATURDAY, MAY 20, 2023
SATURDAY, MAY 20, 2023
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SUNDAY, MAY 21, 2023
SUNDAY, MAY 21, 2023
The hotel serves breakfast from 6:30 am to 9:30 am.  It is complementary to hotel guests.

The only activity today is tours of model railroad layouts.  Check the list of model railroads either on the website or on the list you picked up at the registration desk for which layouts will be open and for what hours.  Only the printed lists (available at registration) have the addresses of the layouts on them, so be sure to pick up a list at the registration table if you plan on visiting a model railroad layout.

Remember, we are guests in these people's homes, so please exercise appropriate consideration and abide by any requests they may make of you.  Also, be courteous when you park your car, so as to not obstruct traffic on the street or block neighbors' driveways.  And have fun!

Thank you for joining us this year, it was great to see you!  Have a safe trip home.

Accordion Widget
Hotel Floor Plan
Hotel Floor Plan


  1. A made to order breakfast is available everyday from 6:30 am to 9:30 am. This is complimentary to hotel guests.
  2. An a la carte lunch will be available in the lobby each day during lunchtime, so that you will not need to leave the hotel to get a decent sandwich, chips and drink for a reasonable price.
  3. Dinner is on your own.

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Pennsylvania Railroad Technical and Historical Society
A 501(c)(3) Pennsylvania Non-Profit Corporation
Copyright 2023 PRRT&HS, All Rights reserved